Protecting my family

Wealth management to protect your family


Protecting your family is a priority for anyone concerned about the financial future and security of their loved ones. That's why wealth management includes foresight, which consists of a set of measures designed to prevent the risks associated with the occurrence of unforeseen events that could have major financial consequences.

Pension provision is essential to guarantee financial security for individuals and their families in the event of unforeseen events such as illness, accident, death or disability. At VIA, our dedicated experts will work with you to develop a personalised pension strategy based on your specific needs. We offer solutions tailored to your profile and personal situation, whether for your own protection, that of your family or that of your company.

VIA can help you protect your assets and secure the future of your loved ones with effective, tailor-made financial planning. Our experts are there to help you anticipate the unexpected and secure your financial future.

In France, around 30% of employees benefit from a group provident contract, while 60% of French people have taken out death insurance. Personal risk policies alone account for 40% of the insurance market. These figures testify to the importance attached by the French to protecting themselves and their loved ones.

Our systems for the family

Life insurance

A true Swiss Army knife of savings, life insurance gives you access to a wide range of products within a single policy: some are guaranteed and offer a regular return, such as euro funds, while others allow you to invest in financial markets, property markets and more complex financial products.

Capitalisation contract

A capitalisation contract is a savings vehicle that can be passed on by gift or inheritance, and benefits from very advantageous tax treatment.

Real estate

Our solutions for building a balanced and optimised property portfolio

Madelin Prévoyance

The solution to protect you and your family against life's mishaps: illness, accident, death... and partly funded by your taxes