Simulator Debt

Fill in the three fields and click on calculate.

Before embarking on any property project or, more generally, any project involving a bank loan, it is advisable to check whether you are eligible for financing by credit institutions and in what proportions. To do this, every bank calculates your remaining debt capacity.

The principle: the amount of all your irreducible fixed charges must not exceed a certain proportion of your total professional and personal income.

The following definitions apply

  • fixed expenses : pre-existing loan repayments (mortgages and business loans, where applicable), if you are a tenant, the rent on your main residence if it remains after your new operation, and any maintenance payments you owe.
  • income : professional or business income (wages and salaries, management remuneration, dividends, bonuses if they can be considered as regular, etc.) and your income from property (rent from property rental, interest from your financial income) and any additional income (alimony, for example).
  • debt ratio : The one generally used is 33%. In other words, your fixed costs must not exceed 33% of your income. 

Based on this remaining monthly repayment capacity, you can use the loan simulatorThis is the maximum amount you can borrow over the term you choose.