Fill in the "amount of capital" field and the "age" field to calculate the amount of your pension.
Use this pension simulator to calculate :
- the amount of annuity and its upgrading which will be paid to you for life, from the date of your retirement.
The amount of the initial annuity and its revaluation over time depend on your retirement age, the pension contract you have taken out and the various options you have chosen.
Retirement savings contracts allow you to gradually build up capital during your working life, which will be returned to you mainly in the form of a life annuity. The first payment will be made at your request when you retire.
This supplementary pension is partly funded by the public authorities: each payment you make entitles you to a tax deduction of the same amount.
Le retirement savings simulator enables you to calculate the capital you will have reached on the day you retire (and therefore the amount of your theoretical pension) as well as the tax reductions to which you are entitled.
For more information on pension contracts available to all French taxpayers: Perp.
For more information on pension contracts for the self-employed (liberal professions, the self-employed, company directors, etc.): Madelin pension.
To calculate the annuity and for simplicity's sake, we have opted for a simple annuity contract with no options, a technical rate of 0% (low initial annuity amount) and an annual reset rate of 2%.
The amount of the annuity can vary significantly between contracts and the different options you choose: guaranteed mortality table, enhanced annuity option, technical rate >0%, reversion, guaranteed annuities, etc.