Buying new : the guide

What questions should you ask yourself to ensure the success of your property purchase?
The VIA ACC team has some advice on what you need to know before buying a new property.
New build guide

PTZ and VAT 5.5%

Financial benefits

Le Zero rate loan (PTZ)

What is the PTZ?

Created in 1995, the zero-rate loan or PTZ, is a government-subsidised loan designed to make it easier to buy a home.purchase of your first principal residence.

As its name suggests, the zero-rate loan is a loan at an interest rate of 0 %. You repay only the capital borrowed, with no interest or administration costs. However, like all credit, it must be guaranteed by death and disability insurance, whose contributions are added to your monthly payments.

PTZ 2024: what changes?

Here are the main points to remember:

  • The PTZ will be extended until 2027.
  • New detached houses will no longer be eligible for the scheme, which will be reserved for new multi-family housing in prime locations and older homes in need of renovation in the rest of the country.
  • Tenants of social housing wishing to buy their own home will now be able to benefit from a PTZ of 20%, instead of 10%.
  • The income ceilings to be eligible for the PTZ will be sharply increased for the first two brackets of the scale. The Minister stated that the middle classes will now be able to benefit from the zero-rate loan.
    If you earn between €2,500 and €4,000, you are not currently eligible for the PTZ, but from tomorrow you will be!
  • La share of the property project that can be financed with the PTZ is increased to 50% from 40% 

What are the resource ceilings?

Number of occupants
Zone A and A bis
B1 zone
Zone B2
Zone C
49 000 €
34 500 €
31 500 €
28 500 €
68 600 €
48 300 €
44 100 €
39 900 €
83 300 €
58 700 €
53 600 €
48 500 €
98 000 €
69 100 €
63 100 €
57 100 €
112 700 €
79 500 €
72 600 €
65 700 €
127 400 €
89 900 €
82 100 €
74 300 €
142 100 €
100 300 €
91 600 €
82 900 €
8 and over
156 800 €
110 700 €
101 100 €
91 500 €

La VAT reduced to 5.5%

Which homes are eligible for reduced VAT?

Created in 2003, theANRU is the public agency responsible for implementing the national urban renewal programme (PNRU). It supports the transformation of sensitive urban areas (ZUS) by rehabilitating them and promoting social diversity.

We call ANRU zones urban areas within 300 metres of a priority neighbourhood classified as a ZUS. To encourage home ownership around neighbourhoods undergoing renewal, the government is granting a VAT allowancewith a rate of 5.5% instead of the usual 20%.

To obtain the list of ANRU zones in your area, consult the site from the Ministry of Territorial Cohesion.

What conditions need to be met?

To benefit from Reduced-rate VATyou must meet the following conditions:

  • Buying a new home in an eligible development (in a particular zone);
  • The property must be used as a principal residence;
  • Have an income that meets the 2022 income thresholds below.
Household composition
Paris and surrounding areas
Île-de-France (excluding Paris and neighbouring towns)
Other regions
1 person
36 314 €
36 314 €
31 570 €
2 persons
54 272 €
54 272 €
42 160 €
3 people
71 144 €
65 238 €
50 700 €
4 people
84 943 €
78 144 €
61 208 €
5 people
101 062 €
92 507 €
72 002 €
6 people
113 772 €
104 101 €
81 149 €
Increase for each additional dependant
+ 12 673 €
+ 11 598 €
+ 9 052 €

The notary costs reduced

Not sure whether to buy a new or existing property? There's one factor that could tip the balance in favour of new-build property: reduced notary fees.

When you buy a VEFA flat or a new detached house, notary fees amount to 2 to 3% of the value of the property, compared with 7 to 8 % for older homes.

All the savings you need! 

The maintenance costs limited

Buying an old property often brings unpleasant surprises and unexpected costs. Not to mention replacing outdated equipment or carrying out costly work to bring the property up to standard.

Buying new avoids additional costs, as you take possession of a functional, fully-equipped space with the services you have chosen.

The latest building standards

Quality construction and durability

New-build properties are designed to strict standards and labels (RT 2012-RE 2020; BBC; NF habitat). These standards imposed on developers relate to the quality of construction, the durability of homes and environmental performance. This makes new-build property a safe long-term investment.

Compliance with safety standards

Compliance with safety standards in new-build property is an absolute priority to guarantee the safety and well-being of occupants.

The various building, electrical, fire, accessibility and materials safety standards are all essential criteria to be met.

Property developers are responsible for ensuring strict compliance with these standards when designing and constructing new buildings.

This helps to create a safe and reliable environment for residents and prevent the risks associated with fires, accidents and security problems.

Le everyday comfort

New-build property offers modern comfort with optimised living spaces to maximise comfort and functionality. New flats often offer services not available in older homesIt also has outdoor spaces (large terrace, private garden) and often a car park.

New buildings are more efficient, thanks in particular to energy-saving heating and cooling systems, coupled with strict environmental standards that guarantee energy savings.

Thermal insulation and soundproofing have been enhanced. The homes are designed using innovative, environmentally-friendly materials. What's more, you'll benefit from mandatory guarantees.

La personalisation

Depending on the progress of the project and the promoter, Customisation options include

In most cases, you'll have a choice of finishes in your home, from floor coverings to tiles and the colour of the bathroom vanity unit.

In many cases, you will be able to opt for additional equipment chosen from the catalogue (changes to flooring, vanity unit, cupboard, home automation, investor pack, etc.).

However, any request for additional services may be considered after opening a file for modification work (modification of partitions, redistribution of rooms, etc.).


It is important to note that customisation options may vary depending on the property developer and the specific project. We make sure to check with developers about the customisation options available and any associated additional costs.

The guarantees

The compulsory guarantees in new-build property are coverage offered by the property developer to cover construction defects that may occur in the First 10 years.

  1. Guarantee of perfect completion Warranty: This warranty covers construction defects or faulty workmanship found when the new property is taken delivery of. The builder is obliged to repair any defects reported, generally for a period of one year from the date of acceptance.
  2. Biennial guarantee This guarantee covers defects in equipment that can be separated from the building (radiators, shutters, doors, taps) for a period of two years from acceptance of the building.
  3. Ten-year guarantee This is the most important guarantee, covering damage that could compromise the solidity of the building or render it unfit for its intended use for a period of ten years from acceptance of the building. This damage could include major cracks, water infiltration, structural problems, etc.
  4. Financial guarantee of completion This guarantee insures the buyer against any default by the property developer, as his new home will be delivered to him completed. Buying through a VEFA (vente en l'état futur d'achèvement) involves purchasing a property whose construction has not yet been completed. The law requires the property developer to provide the buyer with this compulsory guarantee. The GFA guarantees not only the structure of the building, but also the finishes specified in the technical specifications. It must be included when the deed of sale is signed with the notaire. It provides both legal and financial security to ensure that the building work goes ahead smoothly and is completed, even if the developer goes bankrupt. All the more reason to buy new!