Legal information

About us / Publisher

VIA ACC STRASBOURG, a simplified joint stock company (SAS) with share capital of one thousand euros (€1,000.00), having its registered office at STRASBOURG (67000), 8 avenue de la Marseillaise. Registered with the STRASBOURG Trade and Companies Register under number 949 867 857. Holder of the President's professional card n° CP I670 1202 300 000 0042, issued by Alsace Eurométropole Bearing the words "real estate and business transactions". Professional indemnity insurance (RCP) provided by MMA IARD Assurances Mutuelles / MMA IARD, whose registered office is at 14 Boulevard Marie et Alexandre Oyon, 72 030 LE MANS CEDEX 9, France, under no. 114.240.090, for an amount of 110,000 euros.

Publishing director Raphaël REINBERGER

Purpose of the site The "acc-patrimoine-immobilier.comThe purpose of the "VIA ACC Strasbourg" website is to publicise the services of VIA ACC Strasbourg on the Internet. This site is intended primarily for individuals and legal entities under French law.

Complaints & mediation

For all claimthe Principal may write to :
VIA ACC Strasbourg
8 avenue de la Marseillaise

or by e-mail to

Unless there are particular difficulties linked to the claim, the Agent undertakes to reply to the Principal :

  • Within ten working days of receipt of the complaint, to acknowledge receipt, unless the response itself is provided to the customer within this period;
  • Within two months of the date on which the complaint is received and the date on which the response is sent to the customer.

In the event of a dispute between the professional and the consumer, they will endeavour to find an amicable solution.

In the absence of an amicable agreement and in accordance with articles L.616-1 and R.616-1 of the French Consumer Code, we propose a consumer mediation system.

The selected mediation entity is :

In the event of a dispute, you can file a complaint on its website: or by post by writing to CNPM - MEDIATION - CONSUMPTION - 27 avenue de la libération - 42400 Saint-Chamond - France

In the event of a dispute arising from the interpretation or performance of this mandate, the parties shall endeavour to settle the dispute by mutual agreement. settle out of court before taking any legal action

Website hosting

The entire site is hosted by OVH.
2 rue Kellermann
59 100 Roubaix


For your security, the activities of VIA LA PLATEFORME PATRIMONIALE are subject to a number of strict legislative and regulatory frameworks. We have :

  • Société de Courtage d'Assurances (Insurance Brokerage Company) status: Registered with the Organisation pour le Registre des Intermédiaires d'Assurances (ORIAS) under no. 10 055 260. Placed under the supervision of the ACPR, postal address: 4 Place de Budapest CS 92459 75436 PARIS.VIA LA PLATEFORME PATRIMONIALE is not subject to any contractual obligation to work exclusively with one or more insurance companies and carries out the business of insurance intermediation in accordance with the procedures mentioned in b of II of article L. 520-1 of the Insurance Code:
    "If the intermediary is not under a contractual obligation to work exclusively with one or more insurance undertakings, but is unable to base his analysis on a sufficient number of insurance contracts available on the market, the intermediary shall inform the prospective policyholder that, at his request, he may be given the names of the insurance undertakings with which he works".
  • Real Estate Agent status: In accordance with the Hoguet law for property and business transactions. Professional card n°CPI 3101 2018 000 036 668 issued on 1 July 2018 by the CCI Toulouse. May not receive any funds or securities.
  • Appropriate legal skills: Required to provide legal and tax advice ancillary to wealth management consultancy.
    Full members: Mr Manuel VILLANUEVA.
  • Financial Investment Adviser status: Registered as a Financial Investment Adviser under number E002099 by ANACOFI-CIF, an association approved by the Autorité des Marchés Financiers (AMF).
  • The status of "Démarcheur Bancaire et Financier": Registered with the "Registre des démarcheurs" of the Banque de France under number 2101527951MY.

Protection for borrowers

  • Article L 322-2 of the Consumer Code :
    Any advertisement disseminated by or on behalf of a natural or legal person who provides assistance, in any capacity whatsoever and in any manner whatsoever, directly or indirectly, in obtaining one or more loans of money by a private individual, must include, in a conspicuous manner, the following statement:
    "No payment of any kind whatsoever may be demanded of an individual before one or more loans of money have been obtained."
    The advertisement must state the name and address of the credit institution or institutions on whose behalf the intermediary carries on business.
  • Article L 322-3 of the Consumer Code :
    A fine of 3,750 euros shall be imposed on any advertiser who disseminates, or causes to be disseminated on his behalf, advertising that does not comply with the provisions of article L. 321-2.
  • Article L 311-17 of the French Consumer Code :
    As long as the transaction has not been definitively concluded, no payment, in any form and on any basis whatsoever, may be made by the lender to the borrower or on the borrower's behalf, or by the borrower to the lender. During the same period, the borrower may not, in respect of the transaction in question, make any deposit in favour of the lender or on the lender's behalf. If the borrower signs an authorisation for a direct debit from his/her bank or post office account, its validity and effect are subject to those of the credit agreement.
  • Article L312-11 of the Consumer Code :
    Until the borrower accepts the offer, no payment in any form whatsoever may be made by the lender to the borrower or on the borrower's behalf, or by the borrower to the lender, in respect of the transaction in question. Until such acceptance, the borrower may not make any deposit, subscribe to or endorse any commercial paper, or sign any cheque. If the borrower signs a direct debit authorisation for a bank or post office account, its validity and effectiveness are subject to that of the credit agreement.